Saturday, April 4, 2020

The Chemistry of Single Displacement Reactions

The Chemistry of Single Displacement ReactionsA single displacement reaction or simply a single reaction, also called a single reaction, is a chemical reaction that happens in a single reaction vessel. When you make a single reaction, the reaction occurs in one vessel. In order to perform a single reaction, the substances in the reaction are mixed together into one complete solution.The other substance must be present to cause the reaction to work. You can't apply any pressure on the reactions or anything else to cause it to happen. The reaction doesn't even require heat, which is usually what some people think of when they think of the reactions. An example of a single reaction is the alcohol, which is produced in a reaction vessel where the pure substance is mixed with something that will react with it.The properties of a single reaction include: hydrogen bonds, which means that it has a strong ability to bond itself with other chemicals. Another property is that it can be used to do reactions that are not chain reactions. The properties of a single reaction also vary depending on the type of substance that is being mixed with it.Single reactions usually have only one effect, and it doesn't usually have any side effects. While single reactions are usually safe, they also can't be used to create chemicals that are corrosive, which means that you need to use a different reaction with different ingredients to do this. Additionally, there are very few products that can be created by reacting two different compounds together.A single reaction, unlike a double reaction, is capable of having several properties at once. For example, you can mix your products in a single reaction vessel, but you can't mix your two products into a single solution. When mixing products from two different reaction vessels, however, the product that is being mixed into the second product has a chance to react.Because of this, there is usually some equipment in a container to remove the so lids from the container, such as a strainer. Once you do, you are left with a solid that is neither an acid or an alkali. In order to make a chemical that is acidic or alkaline, a separate reaction vessel is needed.These are all methods that you can use to separate the molecules of the different compounds, allowing you to then separate the molecules. The end result will be an acidic or alkaline product.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

3 Common Questions Students May Ask in Admissions Interviews

3 Common Questions Students May Ask in Admissions Interviews Although not all colleges require them, admissions interviews are becoming a popular supplement to high school students college applications. And for good reasonadmissions interviews are a great opportunity for prospective college students to demonstrate their interest in the school, determine if theyre a good fit for the college to which theyre applying, and, of course, ask questions about what its like to be a college student. Applicants questions can vary widely. But there are a select few questions that might come up more frequently in admissions interviews than in othersand perhaps youll wish to ask them too. Below are three common college admissions interview questions. Admissions interview question #1: What is campus life like for incoming freshmen? To a high school junior or senior, one of the most exciting transitions in life is the prospect of becoming a college student in the not-so-distant future. As a result, they often inquire about campus life to admissions interviewers. Answering this question from multiple angles may be the best way to help students understand campus life, covering academic, extracurricular, and social aspectsfrom the best places to hang out on campus, to the most popular classes to take, to options for joining clubs. Knowing details about campus life can help a soon-to-be college student determine if a school is right for him or her. If the students lifestyle aligns closely with those of the students attending a given college, chances are the student will feel comfortable living and studying there. The more a student knows about campus life (both the good and the bad), the more he or she will be able to make an informed decision come enrollment season. [RELATED: What I Wish I Knew Before Freshman Year of College] Admissions interview question #2: What kinds of professional opportunities exist on campus? Besides asking about the social, academic, and extracurricular aspects of attending a given college, interviewees may also inquire about on-campus opportunities that can help further their future careers, including: On-campus job openings Networking or internship opportunities The ability to conduct research in ones desired field. Its a great benefit to incoming college students to know their options when it comes to opportunities that will help them pay for tuition and move forward in their future professions. It can help them make a smart college decision based on their financial needs, and also where they may best set up their post-graduation life (this can include careers and graduate school). [RELATED: Why You Should Pursue an Internship in College] Admissions interview question #3: What degree programs match best with my interests/skills? Some interviewees go into college knowing what they want to major in, while others do not. Regardless, all college applicants can benefit from learning what degree program options are out there. In addition, being familiar with a colleges degree programs can help applicants demonstrate their interest to a college in their application. [RELATED: Is It Important to Declare a Major Before Starting College?] Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

Friday, March 6, 2020

Many choices on how to treat Being Down - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Many choices on how to treat “Being Down” - Introvert Whisperer Many choices on how to treat “Being Down” Personal Branding starts with how well you speak about YOU.  I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook â€" The Definitive Guide to Creating and Using an Elevator Speech.  In this guide, I give you simple to follow instructions for creating a “wardrobe” of ways to talk about you â€" to leave a lasting impression. Get your copy now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Singing Lessons London

Singing Lessons London Consider London Singing Lessons to Improve your Voice! ChaptersMusical Influences In LondonDefining Your VoiceSing with a Choir in LondonThe Benefits of Private Singing Lessons LondonTake Singing Lessons in LondonOnline Singing LessonsOpportunities To Get A Record Deal In LondonTo say that the London music scene is overwhelming is like saying winters in Canada are a little bit cold.Singing out of your range, especially without proper warm up, can prove downright harmful to your vocal training.We will learn more about training your voice a bit later. For now...Just in case you think we might have overlooked classification of male voices:The male baritone is the typical voice type of most males; tenor is the highest possible male range.If you are a true tenor, you would be most welcome in any choir!Joining a choir is a great way to exercise your voice under direction Source: Pixabay Credit: IntmurrSing with a Choir in LondonLondon City Voices is a community choir that welcomes aspiring vocalists at any of its four branches.No singing exper ience is necessary to join them, and you don't need to know how to read sheet music.You don't have to wear a robe or audition in order to earn your spot in their choir, either!If you live in Scotland, read about singing lessons Edinburgh.Their repertoire includes selections from folk, jazz, and contemporary styles, anything from David Bowie to Ed Sheeran, with a bit of ELO thrown in for good measure.By contrast, City Academy Choirs have arranged their singing groups by genre. After a free taster session, which serves as your informal audition, you could join:Chamber, with their repertoire of classical numbersEncore, who perform show tunesSongbirds, a ladies-only choirAmplified: their Indie and Pop music choirBesides those, you have the choice of joining either of their two mixed-repertoire groups.Or, you could join several groups, as long as the scheduling suits!The best part about singing with a choir, besides training your voice, is the opportunity for making new friends.It is not uncommon for choir groups to head to the pub after rehearsals, just to keep the good vibes kicking! a more assertive tone to address your employees with.If you are a teacher with rooms full of rowdy students, having an authoritative voice could help you maintain discipline.If you suffer from a debilitating illness, learning breathing techniques could help ease some of your discomfort.If you are one of the UK's more than six million people living with depression, lifting your voice in song may be just the prescription you need!If you need a confidence booster, learning to sing could prove beneficialIn short: it is not only the singer at Wembley that needs a singing teacher.shouting through a megaphone without proper warm ups is not good for your voice Source: Pixabay Credit: GraphicMama-TeamVocal Health HabitsBefore the first note is sung, either in choir or voice lessons, your coach would lead you through warm-up exercises.First, s/he would assess your posture: head up, shoulders b ack and adequate tension on your abdomen â€" to give your diaphragm maximum support in helping push out air.Next would come breathing exercises. Breathing from your belly is one; another would be to sing numerals as you exhale.The higher you count, the more developed your breath control!Finally, you would work on your throat: lip trilling, humming, and running scales would be the order of things at this stage.At that point, the choir director would lead you through your first song.A voice coach would go further, teaching you how to expand your range and improve your head voice and chest voice, and work on ear training.Ear training is the ability to recognise musical elements such as intervals and notes without sheet music; simply by hearing them.Of course, there would be singing involved. After all, that is why you are seeking out a singing teacher, isn't it?Take Singing Lessons in LondonBecause this is such a musical city, you could go down virtually any given street and find a stu dio to improve your voice in.These recommendations come with no endorsement, in no particular order.Voxbox is unique because they offer group training sessions at no cost.If you are a beginner, intermediate or already a singing success, you can attend their workshops  to gain more singing tips.Beyond those, they give private lessons and teach formal classes. Naturally, there is a fee charged for them.Samuel Nichol is a vocal coach intent on helping as many as possible to reach their full potential, whether they want to sing or learn to use their voice more effectively.Once the head vocal coach at London Music School, he is now established in his own studio, imparting singing techniques to children as well as adults.The London Music Institute accepts only adults for their comprehensive programs.They welcome singers of all stripes, from absolute beginners to advanced, at which point your singing teachers will work with you to perfect your singing technique and extend your range.If you would like to dazzle your mates with your powerful vocals on karaoke night, finding and developing your singing voice with the professionals at LMI would be a great way to do so!If you are looking for one on one lessons with a voice coach, you might drop in on Soho Vocal Tuition.Their approach to training your vocal folds is much the same as a physical fitness coach would use to help you get your body fit.Breathe! Vocal warm up! Exercise the voice! Expand the range! Now: sing!Although their voice teachers are certainly too polite to bark such orders, they attack vocal lessons with the same passion and dedication as a gym coach would employ to motivate you to get in shape.What if, for whatever reason, your desire to stay home outweighs your wish to start singing?Do you fear being in the spotlight? Taking voice lessons can help you gain confidence Source: Pixabay Credit: StockSnapIf you live further away from the capital city, why not find out about voice coaching in Glasgow, singing lessons in Cardiff, vocal coaches in Manchester, Liverpool (birthplace of the Beatles) or even Bournemouth, Nottingham, Belfast, Edinburgh?Learning To Sing With The Help Of SuperprofIf you don't know where to start in your quest for a London-based singing coach, then why not turn to Superprof to give you a helping hand?Superprof is a hub for professionals with a particular skill, seeking  to pass on their knowledge to pupils. Likewise, those wishing to acquire someone's expertise and develop on a talent can turn to the website to find a tutor who is perfectly matched to them.With Superprof, you can search for singing teachers based in London,  find those willing to travel to the capital or you can see if there are any group sessions taking place in your borough.Take  singing lessons Glasgow.Online Singing LessonsWhat if you suffer from horrible stage fright; couldn't squeak the first note out with someone else in the room?There is no shame in that, of course. It just means that lea rning to sing with a teacher online might be a satisfactory option for you to train your voice.And become more confident, too!The trick is to find the right teacher; to winnow that long list of Internet search results into the one instructor that helps you relax and learn how to sing better.Superprof voice coaches would certainly fit that bill.With more than seven hundred tutors qualified to teach music and singing, surely you could find the most effective mentor for your pitch and tone of voice.Most of Superprof's teachers offer their first hour of lessons for free.That gives you a chance to determine if any given instructor is the right fit for you, and can help you reach your singing goals.All you need is a decent Internet connexion and Skype; soon you will be on your way to confidence in voice and body.With a few online voice lessons under your belt, you may find yourself able to sing karaoke, after all!Whatever method you choose for learning how to sing, just remember that voca l health should always be your first priority, closely followed by finding harmony and joy â€" both in music and your life.Once you have all of that, you too can make a splash on the London music scene!Find out about taking singing lessons elsewhere in the UK.Opportunities To Get A Record Deal In LondonBe Seen, Get HeardGone are the days where you could record your singing voice on a cassette or CD and send it to producers and record labels, in the hope that someone would take the time to listen to your music and offer you an experience of a lifetime. If you want to get noticed in this business, times have moved on and you need to move with the times too.And we don't mean that you should instead email your demo over either!The best way to get your music out there and to stand a chance of someone wanting to turn your songs into money is to perform as much as you possibly can. If you already have a gig at your local pub, look further afield and see if you can get a regular slot at an upbeat place in the capital or, even better, at some of the renowned musical boroughs of London where people who love music go to hear good music, new and old.It is not unheard of to set up surprise performances in record shops across town to bring that element of surprise and to attract more than just your usual crowd. After all, what is the point of going to the expense and effort of setting up a gig that only your followers know about and will attend? Just start singing in a record shop and then you'll have a whole new crowd of fans!One great place to get seen and heard by those in and those interested in the industry is a shop like Rough Trade East, situated in the notoriously arty Brick Lane and comprising of a basement-style shop. Live performances have taken place for years in the compact store but, despite being a relatively small place to play, it has a great impact. Plus, it may not be a sold-out stadium but it's a great next step from singing in the shower or in your bedr oom!Everybody wants in on the action and music lovers and passers-by end up filling the shop, standing on the stairs to get a glimpse of the artists and queuing out of the door for a chance to hear something new and fresh.Don't rule out the idea of busking, too, to get some experience of performing.If you aren't into modern indie music and are more inclined towards Broadway, then Barking is your best bet. However, many Broadway stars come from performance schools as opposed to trying to break into the business on their own.Promote YourselfAs mentioned above, sending out dozens (or hundreds, if you are very persistent!) can be a really disheartening way to try to break into the music industry, so instead, consider promoting yourself.Again, one of the best ways to do this is to play for the public, and let success come naturally to you rather than having to chase it down. But you and I both know that it is never as easy as that!If you want a long and successful stint in the business, you need to think ahead of time how you wish to promote yourself. You may already have a particular style of music that you enjoy making, but is that a sustainable style of music and is it something you want to build a career on?Furthermore, you need to think about how you wish to come across to your listeners. This means analysing your fashion, your makeup look, your hairstyle and so on. Do you want to be perceived as a bit of a rebel or would you prefer a squeaky clean image?However good your music or your singing voice is, your image plays a huge part in how popular you may become because everyone is looking for a person to either identify with or someone truly unique that they can aspire to be like.Even if you have settled on your entire package, there's still a lot of work to be done. Thankfully, if you live in London, making the right connections and getting regular gigs may be slightly easier than if you were, say, in the middle of the countryside with no buzzing places close to your door.Know Who You Need To ImpressPromoting yourself properly means ensuring that the right people know where to find you, so think about hiring someone to help you out with social media shout outs, setting up mailings and designing and printing out fliers and posters to inform people of your upcoming gigs or releases.Even if you are a regular YouTuber and are seeking to attract mainly an online audience, use promotion wisely as you have the scope to reach far more people than you would by just telling your local press. Keeping up a regular schedule and having an up to date social media profile will really benefit you.While some people are lucky enough to be 'spotted', don't leave it to fate as most VIPs of the music industry don't happen to just turn up to gigs at random. They will have been invited and have had good reason to want to show up, whether it is the promise of a great show or some other kind of incentive (perhaps a small festival in your local brewery might be e nough to tempt them in!).A simple yet easy thing to do is also to ensure that any mailings are sent to the relevant individuals by name, instead of just sending out mass mailings.By adding the person's name, it shows you have taken the time to consider who may be interested in hearing your music and put the effort into finding out their details. A personal email is far more likely to be taken seriously than a mass mailout. You might also like to give them a call first, out of courtesy, to inform them that you are sending material over. But don't chase them up!Finally, don't just target record companies and the like. Even by following other influential people online with a big following themselves, like publishers and PR companies, can potentially give you that exposure you so need.Those working on predominantly club music may be better off targeting DJ's.Check out  singing lessons Manchester.Be Patient, Don't RushIt is easier said than done, but try not to get ahead of yourself and set out unrealistic targets.It can take anything from months to years to get noticed in this competitive line of the arts, so spend time working on yourself and your music and take it one step at a time.If you've ever watched reality television show,  The X Factor, one of the biggest and most common criticisms is that artists are just 'not ready' for a life in music showbiz, which could be the case for you. Even if you aren't a young wannabe star as such, you still may need to spend some more time developing your performance.Be sure to keep releasing new material or performances regularly so that you don't appear to have gone out of date and are still being active on the music scene.Similarly, you don't want to jump at the first opportunity that arises and be too eager. While the first offer may be very tempting because they are the first to put their faith in you, be sure to think it over and discuss it with family, band or your agent (if you have one), to make sure you are making the right decision. Something even better may be just around the corner!Finally, don't be disheartened if you get turned down or fail to impress one company or producer. It is all down to a matter of taste, so if the person isn't a fan of you for whatever reason then you certainly wouldn't want them representing you!Get your first singing lessons now.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Reasons to Play the Guitar

Reasons to Play the Guitar How Do You Become a Guitarist? ChaptersDevelop Your Creativity with Your GuitarLearning Guitar by Joining a BandFinding Your Rhythm by Playing the GuitarWhat Are the Psychological Benefits of Being a Guitarist?“Music does a lot of things for a lot of people. It's transporting, for sure. It can take you right back, years back, to the very moment certain things happened in your life. It's uplifting, it's encouraging, it's strengthening.” - Aretha FranklinA lot of Brits play a music instrument.Would you like to become one of them or become a famous guitar player?You can learn guitar for fun, learn two or three songs, and impress your friends at a party. However, learning the guitar takes a lot of effort. It gives you an opportunity to let your imagination run wild, improve your ear, and even relieve stress. Whether you're looking for a free guitar lesson, online guitar lessons for beginners, or just want to learn how to play the guitar for fun, learning how to play guitar comes with a lot of benefits. PeterGuitar Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EdgarGuitar Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PaulGuitar Teacher 5.00 (12) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToddGuitar Teacher 4.75 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamueleGuitar Teacher 5.00 (5) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KurtGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RyanGuitar Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsDevelop Your Creativity with Your GuitarYou can’t really call yourself a guitarist after learning a few basic barre chords and buying a chord dictionary. You also need to be able to create a riff, improvise in a variety of different musical styles, and compose your own music.The guitar is a great way to improve your creativity. (Source: Pexels)You can work on your creativity from the second you pick up an acoustic g uitar, electric guitar, or bass guitar.  The same is true for most artistic activities, you need to improvise a bit in order to learn and develop your own style.  Whether you’re doing music, art, or dance, you should be encouraged to express your creativity and develop your own styles.In a guitar class, your guitar tutor or teacher might ask you to improvise in front of the other students using a certain arpeggio, pentatonic scale, or a specific guitar chord.If you’re teaching yourself, then you’re going to have to force yourself to do this kind of learning activity and improve several aspects of your guitar playing:Your earYour breathingYour playingCoordinating your right hand and left handYour techniqueYour creativityIf you become more creative with the guitar, you can even start creating your own songs and compositions for it.  The more you practise improvisation, the more comfortable you’ll feel with it. Soon you’ll start being able to play solos during your performanc es!Struggling to find your creativity?You can always start with a bassline, a drumbeat, or a chord progression from a famous song to get you started.Learning Guitar by Joining a BandTeaching yourself how to play guitar can be good in the beginning when you learn to read tablature, tune your guitar, and use a plectrum or pick. However, this can become quite boring very quickly.Joining a band is a great way to share your passion for music. (Source: Free-Photos)You can find yourself doing the same exercises again and again, not knowing how to play or how to progress. You can very quickly start becoming demotivated and consider giving up playing guitar.  Of course, if you get guitar lessons with a guitar teacher or private tutor, this can still happen. However, you can always talk to them about it if you feel unchallenged or need a new approach like a group class so that you can learn alongside other guitarists.Why not look for bands?Music is there to be shared, whether with other music ians or an audience. It conveys emotions, allows us to forget about our problems, and gets us dancing...Whether you want to play blues guitar, rock guitar, jazz strumming patterns, or a few power chords in a punk band, playing in a band will give you the chance to play concerts. However, you first need to put the work in. In fact, every member of a band needs to put in a lot of work.As a novice guitarist, the simplest thing to do is join a band that already exists. This means you won’t need to organise recitals, practise sessions, the band’s calendar, or scheduling concerts, they should already have all of this sorted.The problem when you first start is that it can be difficult to find a band that already exists and is looking for members. Guitarists are hardly rare and most bands will be able to choose from several different ones. You will, therefore, need to give it your all in the audition and make sure you're prepared before you go.Before an audition, you should probably pra ctise a couple of the songs that the band regularly plays. You’ll be less stressed and you’ll be able to show off all your skills as a guitarist.You should also know that your level mightn’t necessarily be a drawback. You may find a group of beginners or intermediates who can help you progress at a lightning pace, as long as you also practise outside of the scheduled practise sessions.Additionally, make sure you get a good feeling from the group of musicians you’re joining! Just like when choosing your guitar teacher or tutor, you need to feel comfortable with them, get along with them, and create an amicable environment between all members of the band.Finding Your Rhythm by Playing the GuitarBeing a member of a band is a great way to work on your rhythm and timekeeping.A drummer can help you develop a sense of rhythm. (Source: Free-Photos)If you’re playing on your own, you can also use a metronome to keep time. In a band, you can also learn to keep time and the drummer wi ll usually act as your metronome. Every instrument needs to keep time with the drummer.  While you can practise keeping time on your own, you still have to follow the drummer when they’re playing. Not everyone has a natural rhythm, after all.Someone who grew up with musicians or dancers will be more familiar with rhythm and will probably learn to play guitar more quickly than someone who didn’t. Someone with no musical experience will probably have to work on their rhythm, music theory, and scales.Unfortunately, working on your rhythm isn’t as simple as playing a chord. While it’s more complicated, it’s not impossible!You should work on your listening, listening to the tempo, the beats, and the time signature of each song you hear on the radio, TV, the supermarket, and even in lifts!Here’s some advice for working on your rhythm:Tap your feetCount the beatsMove your right hand in timeWork with a metronomePlay along to a songPlay in a bandThis can take some time, but you†™ll eventually be as good at playing in time as Hendrix or Clapton!What Are the Psychological Benefits of Being a Guitarist?There are a lot of benefits to playing the guitar online, learning as a beginner, or playing with other musicians. Don't forget there are free guitar lessons and beginner guitar lessons online.Playing the guitar is a great way to unwind. (Source: andreas160578)Playing the guitar can loosen up your fingers as well as provide the following benefits:Develop your memory: to learn a chord, play tabs, or practise new songs, you’re going to need to use some of that grey matter. You will learn to concentrate for longer periods of time and work on your memory while keeping your brain alert.Get rid of stress: practising an instrument is a good way to relax. You’ll need to be focused on learning to play the guitar to worry about work or your personal life. Stress is the cause of a lot of everyday problems: weight gain, loss of appetite, sleeping poorly, and even cardi ovascular problems. Imagine being able to alleviate some of this by simply playing the guitar!Self-improvement: When you play the piano, you just have to press the key in order to play a note whereas when you play the guitar, you have to press down correctly on the string in order to play a note. This can take a lot of work. While not everyone learns at the same speed, everyone will come to a stage where they feel like they’re not progressing or they’re stagnating. You need to have a steely resolve in order to get over this.Enjoyment: just like with sport, playing the guitar can help release dopamine and endorphins, two hormones responsible for pleasure.Expressing your emotions: music is first and foremost an expression of our emotions, be them joy, melancholy, anger, or love. If you’re fed up, pick up your instrument and start strumming away, playing a riff, a chord progression, and you’ll start feeling better. Don’t think about it, just let loose.Meeting people: playing the guitar is also a great way to meet other musicians who share the same passion for music as you. Joining a band can help you make new friends and share a common interest.So are you ready to start playing the guitar?

Easy ACT Test and SAT Test Prep Steps - Private Tutoring

Easy ACT Test and SAT Test Prep Steps BobbiM Apr 27, 2015 If college is your goal, then your junior year of high school is going to be a critical one! This is THE year for getting prepped for review and then acceptance by colleges and universities nationwide.     Not only do you need to make sure that you have a plethora of great activities and other experiences to fill your application, you also have to complete the applications as well as take a battery of difference tests for admission. The two main tests for every college bound student are the ACTs and the SATs. Image courtesy of imagerymajestic Interestingly enough there’s a rule of thumb that “the East and West coast schools value SAT scores more, while the Mid-West wants an ACT score.” While this generally holds true, here’s a break down on the similarities, differences and some other facts to help you determine whether you want to take both tests or not and how to do your ACT test and SAT test prep beforehand. SUBJECTS TESTED Like any student, a first question is usually, “What’s on the test?” The two test have similarities and some slight differences. The SAT only covers the three main subjects: Reading Math Writing All three of these topics are mandatory. The ACT test, on the other hand, Mtests you in Math, English, Reading, Science and Writing (if you choose to do this one). And yes, you read that correctly â€" if you CHOOSE to do the writing test portion. But note, and this is a very important note, some colleges and universities require the writing portion of the test be taken. So before opting out, make sure you know which schools will be receiving these test scores and compare that with their requirements to make sure you are covered. If you haven’t come up with a final list of schools then it’s our recommendation that you take the writing portion as well to insure that you aren’t re-taking the entire again. Cover your bases and you’ll better off! COST No, these tests aren’t free there is a fee for each test and each time that you take the test.     The actual cost for the test is pretty close to identical so that shouldn’t weigh into your testing taking decision. If you know which one you schools are requiring you might be able to save some money and brain power by choosing one test over the other. And like we mentioned above, if you are still not sure exactly which schools you are applying to take both sets of tests. Yes, we realize what this means. One note â€" there’s a fee for every school you send the test results to. So once your roster of schools is complete only choose one test per school based on their requirements. That way you pay the minimum amount needed for score submissions. You Might Be Interested in: In 9th Grade Math I Got a C, Now What? TEST STYLE This is probably the area where the two tests vary the most. The SAT test measures your verbal abilities and reasoning or aptitude skills. It doesn’t rely solely on what you’ve learned in school which can throw some people that take the test. The ACT measures what your knowledge is and what you’ve learned in school. Obviously you better have paid attention because this means you’ll see questions related to what you should have covered and learned by the time you take the test. The SAT may have article, charts or graphs on topics you never studied. But don’t worry, even if you haven’t studied the topic there is enough information presented to analyze and respond to the topics. Image courtesy of Ambro TEST PENALTIES One BIG difference between the two exams is that the SAT test does ding you for missed or wrong answers. Yup, you read that correctly. Each wrong answer costs you one quarter of one point. But questions that are not answered do not cost you anything. So, for an example, if you were to answer one question correctly and the following four wrong, you would have earned a score of 0 for that group of questions. This makes many say that the ACT test is easier since that penalty doesn’t exist. And there are a lot of students that take both and says that as well. Part of the reasoning behind this is the fact that the topics covered on the ACT exam are questions on topics that you have covered in high school (or should have…..). So there’s a greater comfort level or ease in dealing with these question when compared to some on the SAT test. The SAT test on the other hand, will have some unfamiliar information and is wanting you to use your critical reasoning functions to determine the correct responses. Because of the unfamiliarity with this type of testing and information, more students are nervous and concerned about the SAT test. Both the ACT test and the SAT test are rights of passage from high school to college. So worrying and stressing won’t change the situation. Finding the right test for schools you are interested and prepping and be prepared will make the difference that you need. Search for ACT tutors and SAT tutors in your area!

Books Every Student Should Read Mindset The New Psychology of Success

Books Every Student Should Read â€" Mindset The New Psychology of Success Improving Academic Performance As many readers of this blog know, MyGuru tries to be much more than a place where parents and students can look for a private tutor. We are trying to build a community of parents, students, tutors, and other experts where ideas about how to be healthier, more productive, and academically successful are exchanged. With that in mind, in this article I’ll discuss a book which offers powerful ideas to help any student be more successful inside and outside of the classroom: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck. She helped found a company on the back of her research called “Mindset Works.” This is part of a new series we are launching called “Books Every Student Should Read.” Each book we discuss will be reviewed in the context of a framework we’ve developed called the Academic Performance Pyramid, which says that for any given level of effort, your performance is determined by your: 1. overall health and wellness, 2. Mindset and character, 3. strategies for reaching goals, 4. techniques used when studying and learning new things, and 5. organizational skills. Dweck’s mindset is a cornerstone of the “Mindset” portion of our framework. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck Dr. Dweck introduces the reader to a powerful concept called the “growth mindset.” Her research in psychology has revealed that people tend to think about their intelligence and personality in one of two ways. They either a) adopt a “fixed” mindset, and believe their intelligence, sense of humor, communication skills, etc. are “traits” that they inherited at birth and can’t be changed, or b) they adopt a “growth” mindset and believe that their intelligence and various dimensions of their personality can be adjusted with practice and focused effort. The fixed mindset, for example, treats your intelligence like a trait such as your height. You can’t change your height. The growth mindset views intelligence like a muscle that can be strengthened through training and practice. The Transforming Education blog has an excellent infographic on what a growth mindset is and why it matters. In study after study, Dweck has shown that when students either naturally tend to have a growth mindset or receive growth mindset training such that they are exposed to the differences between the two and are provided with ways in which they can cultivate a growth mindset instead of a fixed one, they perform better on tests and earn better grades. Why would this be? Why is a growth mindset so important for students to understand? There are a few reasons. First, most IQ researchers believe personality and intelligence have both some fixed and some “malleable” or “changeable” dimensions to them. For example, IQ tests try to measure your brain’s processing speed (to over simplify the matter quite a bit). These tests are supposed to be measuring your underlying, genetic ability to acquire knowledge, not the amount of knowledge you currently have from studying and learning. Some studies however, show that with focused practice and/or increased education, IQ scores can drift upwards. IQ scores can be improved, a little bit. So that’s one reason the growth mindset leads to better performance. Some things, like underlying IQ, which seem fixed and which the average person believes is truly fixed, really aren’t, so with practice, performance improves. But in fact, the real “secret” to understanding the power of the growth mindset, in my view, is that the concept of “intelligence” is a very complicated and complex one, and many students believe that performance in various subjects in school has a LOT to do with what you might call “genetically determined IQ” when in fact, it has just a little to do with “IQ” and a LOT to do with how much you practice and how much effort you put in. Students would be better served to ignore the concept of “IQ,” and instead focus on a more broadly defined notion of “intelligence” that perhaps acknowledges the existence of IQ scores on some level, but focuses FAR more on how focused practice and hard work help you acquire knowledge and build the skills that, in effect, grow your intelligence steadily over time. Let me try to be clearer and summarize the main theme of Dr. Dweck’s work in the context of a reasonably complex mathematics class like first semester calculus. This is the type of class that seems to many students like it might be very difficult. And yes, it’s a class you might not take until college, depending on your experience with math. But in fact, doing math is much more like a skill you can build through practice than some sort of IQ test. So sure, some percentage of students will just struggle with comprehending the concepts in calculus. But the successful student in first semester calculus is typically successful because they pay attention, work hard, and practice (i.e., do their homework). I would argue that almost all students who find themselves sitting in a first semester calculus course HAVE THE REQUIRED ABILITY to earn an A or a B, IF they put in the work. The student with a “fixed” mindset though, sort of flips that narrative. They believe their math skill is a fixed trait. They’ll either understand the material or they won’t. If you think this way, you really have very limited incentive to pay much attention and work hard. You may be forced to put in the work because the teacher grades homework or your parents have instilled in you a good work ethic, but in your mind, you feel a sense of futility because you just don’t think that you have much control over your performance. As soon as you start thinking this way, you of course are less likely to pay attention and put in the work. This naturally leads to poor performance, which reinforces the idea that you just aren’t very good at math. With a growth mindset, the whole story works in the opposite direction. You assume everyone, including you, has the intelligence to get an A in calculus, they just have to practice and build their math skills. Since you feel in control, you are MUCH more likely to decide to put in that work and get to a good outcome in the class. The implication is that you are in full control of your academic future, and you could probably pursue academic areas that seem almost impossible. This could mean that a person with an average or slightly above average IQ, if he or she decided to, could become a PhD in Physics with the right amount of focused practice and effort. Most people can become experts in almost any academic area if they decide that’s what they’d like to pursue. Now, can anyone win a Nobel prize in physics or earn a tenure position at Harvard teaching physics? IQ may play a role in allowing you to reach the absolute pinnacle of some professions. But most of the time, focused practice and hard work can get you much farther than many students realize. How do you build a growth mindset? Across the many articles that have been written about the growth mindset and within the Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, I see two basic strategies for cultivating growth mindsets instead of fixed ones. First, take the time to explain to yourself and others about the difference between a fixed and growth mindset, and about the complexity behind the notion of “intelligence” or being “smart.” Imagine two people, Bill and Frank. They are both 30 years old. Bill dropped out of college and works in the family business, and has an IQ score that is 15% higher than Frank’s. But Frank has read 25 times more books, and holds a PhD in Political Science and an undergraduate degree in Economics. He’s written several of his own books. He’s spent thousands of hours in classrooms listening to lectures and writing papers about a variety of topics. Who is “smarter?” Second, when you are thinking about your own performance or that of your children, praise effort, not results. That A in the math class was a result of “how hard you worked and how much you practiced” and not “how smart you are at math.”